Paper wallet

| March 28, 2015

Today is my last day as DT at Vilda. I will start with showing you a paper wallet. I have also included some kind of tutorial, see below. Above you can see the front of the wallet and below is the inside including Swedish money and other stuff. I have used a wonderful cardstock with […]

Label Flap Triple Fold card

| March 27, 2015

Det här kortet hittade jag inspiration till från YouTube (Dawn Griffith). Jag embossade mitt lock och färgade in mönstret med olika gel pennor. Den stora utsmyckningen är en barn ring som jag hittade i mina gömmor, tyckte den passade bra där. Cardstock en sprack lite…så inte så snyggt ut så jag döljande det med glitter […]

Skärm kort /Screen cards

| March 27, 2015

Här kommer mitt första skärm kort med medaljonger med två flitiga möss.  Tyckte att texten “Be the best version of you!” passade dessa flitiga möss. Städ-musen där har jag paper piecing hucklet och förklädet0, stämplat på ett rosa prickigt mönstrat papper. **** Here comes my first screen card with medallions with two diligent mice.  Thought […]


| March 25, 2015

Hallo again, This is also a very easy card to make. For all of you that are beginners, this is not difficult to do. The stamp I used this time is: V763 Hugs Caroline This post is posted by Caroline

A little easter card

| March 25, 2015

Hallo everyone, I hope that all of you are fine. Today I have made a little easter card. I LOVE this stamp.   The stamps that I used are: V436 V736 Hugs from Caroline This post is posted by Caroline

Easter bunny cutest kid

| March 24, 2015

Here are the stamps I used for this cutie bunny: V735, V736 and V821. Now I hope that you enjoy the Easter and eat a lot of eggs! 😉 Many hugs from Eva <3 This post is posted by Eva

A Easter card from me

| March 24, 2015

The stamps I have used for this card is: V736, V621 and V738. Hope this has given you some inspiration for your Easter cards! 😉 Hugs from Eva This post is posted by Eva

Grattis tags….

| March 23, 2015

Lite kul att göra fina tags som man kan hänga på paket tex. Så mitt andra inlägg idag är en tags som jag har tänkt hänga på ett födelsedagspaket. Jag har färgat tagen med Glimmer mist först och sen dekorerat den. Jag har anävnt den fina grattistexten som finns på en kit som heter Svenska […]

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