Dunja | June 26, 2015
Hey Everyone, I have a pimped DINA4 Scrap Book. It crossed my mind that our holiday pictures should no longer only be in the tray. They deserve it to be in a beautiful photo book. However i will do the inside, scrapping or in mixed media style so precisely I have not committed myself😉 but […]
Kategori: Album, Alter, art journaling, Collage stamping, Mixed Media |
2,381 kommentarer »
Marie | June 20, 2015
Här kommet ett uppslag från mitt första mini album som jag någonsin gjort, det var till en man som heter Markus, som fyllde 60 år. Han älskar att fotografera så det blev en uppskattad present, som totalt tog mig 72 timmar att göra. Text stämpel, där har jag använt embossing pulver (ljus gult) filmnegativ rutan […]
Kategori: Album, Utstansat - die cuts |
1,318 kommentarer »
Irene | June 13, 2015
Hello everyone! It’s Irene here today and this time, I would like to share with you all an acrylic mini album. I’ve used several beautiful stamps by Vilda Stamps on some of the pages in this album. Here are the pages. These stamps are just perfect to add details to the pages. Stamps used: V798 […]
Kategori: Album |
489 kommentarer »
Elena | March 19, 2015
Hello, today I have some Easter inspiration for you. I started working on my Easter album for the future photos, and the first pages are filled with Easter -themed stamping I added the envelope and stamped on it with V631 Happy Easter stamp then I stamped with V735 Egg Trolley on the velum and colored […]
Kategori: Album |
621 kommentarer »
Irene | February 13, 2015
Hi everyone! It’s Irene here again. This month, I would like to share a mini album with you all. I’ve used various beautiful stamps by Vilda Stamps on this mini album. Here are some pages in it. Stamps used: V763 V411 V702 See you again soon! xx Irene Tan This post is posted by Irene
Kategori: Album |
500 kommentarer »
Elena | February 2, 2015
Here is Elena again, and now I want to share the other page from the same cook Book I started creating I made a small vellum pocket at the bottom of my page and stamped on it with the Roses image from Flowers and leafs Set – V 697 I kept it raw without doing […]
Kategori: Album |
173 kommentarer »
Elena | February 2, 2015
Hello everyone, not recently I have started making a cook book and used some of Vilda Stamps in it too. This is just a page from it and when it is not opened it looks like this: So I stamped on a piece of paper , that I put into the envelope – with Flowers […]
Kategori: Album |
582 kommentarer »
Sari | June 5, 2014
Jag är alldeles hänförd av en fransyskas scrapstil (Iggydodie), både när det gäller att göra minialbum, layouter och project life-sidor. Hon är helt magisk i mitt tycke. Jag bestämde mig således att låta mig inspreras av henne i mitt, lite mindre – mixed media fotoficks-scrappande. Iggydodie jobbar mycket med lager på lager-teknik, tillsammans med färgskvättar, […]
Kategori: Album, art journaling |
711 kommentarer »