Angela Sowell

Angela´s blogg

My name is Angela Sowell I live in Tennessee, United States of America. I have been married for over 10 yrs and have 3 children… a 16 yr old daughter, a 9 yr old son and my youngest daughter Jazmine is 6 yrs. old. I have been scrapbooking for 9 yrs and creating cards for about 3 years.. only in the last year and half have I really got into making cards all the time.

I create more cards than I do scrapbook pages, which my children wish I ‘d scrapbook more!! But I have completed about 60 thick 12×12 albums just of them. They each have their own albums so they don’t have to share. I love making cards and gifts for people and I do love to sit down with pictures of my children and create pages for them. I want to create pages that my children will treasure and cherish. I will never be a digital scrapbooker as that takes the fun and mess out of it

Crafting for me other than my family is what makes my day even better. If I get stressed all I have to do is pull out some ink, stamps, copic markers and start creating, crafting is what keeps me sane! I love my copic markers and would be lost without them. I am so honored to be asked to work with so much talent and I can’t wait to get started. I can already tell the DT could teach me a lot of things!

Well now you know a little bit about me.

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