Happy Father’s Day

Inlägget postat av: on April 28, 2011

This time I made some labels for Father’s Day.
But I made a huge mistake…I thought both were man.
I’m sorry:)
I hope you all forgive me. I had fun making them, never worked with stamps like this, but I love the result, very different than the way I scrap normally.
So it was a difficult one, but my father liked them…he saw them already.

The stamps I have used are; V500 and V501
Hugs Dora

This post is posted by Dora

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15 Responses to “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. stephi says:

    very nice…and I forgive you:-)

  2. Annethe says:


    Like them a lot!!


  3. Eva-Lena says:

    Så snyggt kort 🙂

  4. teolinda says:

    så häftiga kort! 🙂

  5. Ulrica Nykkel says:

    I think they are great anyway!
    Nice work!


    Vildas Ulrica

  6. Vildas Puck says:

    Hi Dora
    This is just perfekt tags to a man…i like the coloring and i can see the Tags hanging from a buttle.
    Vildas Puck

  7. Like them both! 😉


  8. lean says:

    this is fun Dora but so sweet and made with love…that count!!

  9. lean says:

    i think i must say..counts

  10. lisa says:

    hehe! It looks fab ❗

  11. Häftiga tags 🙂

  12. Malin says:

    LÄckra tags med kuliga stämpelmotiv 🙂

  13. Pyzzlis says:

    Härliga kort…

  14. essmo says:

    Theese are so cute! 🙂

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